
Auto-deployment on Openshift 3

In order to enable auto-deployment for the project, you need to have a OpenShift Online account.

If you don’t have one yet, you can create one on the following link.

OpenShift web console

Once on the OpenShift console, follow the next steps to setup a new project:
  • Choose Python language on the catalog and select Python 3.5 model.
  • Fill name, Git URL fields and proceed with the creation.

After creating the project, you will need to take note of the following info for the deploy: GitHub Webhook URL and GitHub secret.

For the GitHub Webhook URL, go to builds and open the one on the list. Then go to configuration tab, and the GitHub Webhook URL field will be on the right.

The GitHub secret can be found on the build config file. To open it, click over action dropdown placed on the top right corner of the console, and select Edit YAML.

Inside the build config editor, search the fragment that points to the repository and make sure that ref param points to the branch that will be auto deployed.

  type: Git
    uri: ''
    ref: master

Next, search for the spec / triggers fragment where the GitHub secret is placed, and grab the token.

  - type: Generic
      secret: 00000000000
  - type: GitHub
      secret: 00000000000

GitHub webhook configuration

Now it’s time to setup the webhook that triggers the autodeployment. With the project opened on GitHub, go to webhook screen via settings / webhook / Add webhook. In there:

  • Fill the Payload URL field with the GitHub Webhook URL taken from Openshift console.
  • Choose application/json as content type.
  • Fill the secret field with the GitHub secret token.

Depending on your needs you could adjust more or less the events that triggers the webhook, in this case push event is enough.

Once you create the webhook, it will be deployed by the first time automatically, so be sure that was successfully delivered before closing the tab.